Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Instagram. Twitter. Facebook.

Where to begin? I can’t deny that I am on social media and use things such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and now I am a blogger. I can remember when Myspace first took off and when we had dial-up internet. Of all the forms of social media I find that our generation uses Facebook and Twitter the most. Speaking for myself, I occasionally go on Facebook, but not as much as I used to when it first started. The one application that I use on a daily basis is Instagram. I enjoy that it is sharing through pictures. I don’t Instagram a picture every day, or go on Facebook every day, or even blog every day. I try not to let social media consume my life.

Social media is definitely a great means of sharing with others and capturing certain moments. It is a way of communication, entertaining ourselves, staying up to date, and more, but when is it too much? I feel that technology and social media has taken over our lives and nowadays everyone is constantly on their phones, always on the go, never looking up. There was a video I saw a while ago that shows how social media has impacted our lives. We have forgotten to live in the moment and to enjoy the moment as it is.

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