Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Changing Majors

When I first started at CUA I was not an Accounting major, but an Architecture major. I always had an interest in the design of buildings, cities, homes, etc. During freshman year, as an architecture major you spend first semester taking the typical classes, lectures and introduction courses. The class of 2014 was the first class to start studio in the second semester. Studio was one of the most challenging things I have ever gone through. We did drawings, sketches, printouts, made models, did site visits, etc. Our final project was to build a wooden model of a home we did a site visit on. There were many all-nighters and tough times spent in studio. Overall I did well in the course, but in the end I knew it was not the career that I wanted to go into and I no longer had a passion for it. 

I was always interested in the world of business and that’s when I started doing some research. With a love for numbers and math, my decision was between finance or accounting. After taking ACCT 305: Introductory Financial Accounting or “boot camp” with Professor Kirst, I knew that accounting was right for me. There is great stability and the opportunities are endless. Every company needs an accountant, or an auditor, or a financial analyst, or a financial consultant. One day I plan to maybe even start my own firm. 


  1. Cassie, you found your Beach! Congratulations.

  2. Wow Cassie, I need help in accounting. I did not know you are an accounting student. I am the very tall African girl in class. Please show yourself to me the next class. And you can draw, I used to draw anime (manga), but when I began college, it became part of my hobbies rather, and I have not drawn for years now. I also hope you become the great accountant you were destined to be.

    1. Hey Mercy! I'll make sure to find you in class later. And same drawing has become more of a hobby now. Although I do hope to get a drafting table in the future. I wish you much success as well with the MSBA program! We've got great things ahead of us!

  3. Yeah, any help would be greatly appreciated. I know a bunch of Arch students who really slaved over their projects and stayed up super late in the arch building. I had a similar epiphany going into my senior year, but I decided to try and market myself based on the skills I picked up from Psychology. And here I am in the MSBA program.

    1. I actually took an introduction course for psychology freshman year and really liked it! I did some of the studies too where you take cognitive tests and stuff like that. It was interesting. That's awesome though that you found your way to the MSBA program. It's an excellent way to go.

  4. Cassie, I really enjoyed reading about your switch of majors from Architecture to Accounting. Aside from them both starting with the letter "A" these two fields do not share many similarities. I am glad that you have found something you are truly passionate about! Coming from a background in the sciences as a Biology major, I have noticed that the Accounting bootcamp class takes a completely different mindset; it is extremely structured! Good post! Is this one of your drawings?

    1. It was definitely a turnaround once I started! I have some friends who were Biology majors, really different stuff from business. And accounting bootcamp was a tough class, but very rewarding in the end. Let me know if you ever need any help with the class! I wish I could say it was one of my drawings, but I can't take all the credit!

  5. From Architecture to Business. Best of luck to you. Nice use of graphics, layout and design!
