Tuesday, September 2, 2014

KPMG Internship

As a Master’s of Science in Accounting graduate student I am pleased to have the opportunity to take two MSBA courses, MSBA 503: Quantitative Analysis & Communication, and MSBA 504: Marketing with Integrity. Both courses caught my attention in terms of wanting to enhance my knowledge in excel and computer skills, as well as marketing myself to future employers.

I do not have an internship for this fall semester, but over the summer I had one with KPMG, one of the big 4 accounting firms. The internship spanned over 8 weeks in which I worked immensely in the field of Commercial Audit. I was able to work on 3 different clients and was given various tasks at each site. I worked on lease audits, a quarter-end audit, and a year-end audit. I learned and gained a lot of experience and was able to network and meet great people, as well as talk with some of the partners of the firm. The whole internship was a great and fun experience that gave me better insight on the field of auditing.

At the end of the internship I was given an offer, which I happily accepted. My start date is in the Fall of 2015. Upon graduating with my MSA this coming December I plan on thoroughly studying for the CPA and hope to pass all 4 exams. I look forward to what is to come and to starting my journey with KPMG.

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